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How to Cook Yummy Karnataka style Chicken Donnai Briyani

Karnataka style Chicken Donnai Briyani. Chicken Donne Biryani Recipe is very popular in the city of Bangalore. The steaming hot biryani is served in a large dried palm leaf cups called 'Donne' and. Chicken Biryani is a spiced rice dish made with marinated chicken, basmati rice & a blend of Indian spices.

Karnataka style Chicken Donnai Briyani Chilie powder is not used in this recipe. MAKING of CHICKEN BIRYANI at KERALA's Most Popular PARAGON RESTAURANT, Kozhikode Kshatriya Kebab making consist of grinding ginger and. You can cook Karnataka style Chicken Donnai Briyani using 18 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Karnataka style Chicken Donnai Briyani

  1. It's of For chicken marination.
  2. It's 500 gm of chicken.
  3. You need 1 teaspoon of Turmeric powder.
  4. Prepare As needed of Curd to soak chicken.
  5. Prepare of For green masala.
  6. You need 1 cup of mint leaves.
  7. You need 1 cup of coriander leaves.
  8. Prepare 4 of green chillies.
  9. You need of For Briyani.
  10. Prepare 2 of cardomom.
  11. It's 1 of Cinnamon stick.
  12. Prepare 1 of bay leaf.
  13. It's 1 teaspoon of garam masala powder.
  14. You need 1 cup of basmati/ seeraga samba rice.
  15. It's 3 of onions.
  16. You need as needed of Oil / ghee.
  17. It's 3 tsp of ginger garlic paste.
  18. You need To taste of Salt.

Donne Briyani can be prepared with mutton or or poor everyone enjoys this amazing street food. Nagarjuna andhra style chicken biryani I easy restaurant style biryani. To begin making the Karnataka Style Chicken Saaru Recipe, we will first make the masala for the saaru. Open the cooker and check for spices and salt and adjust accordingly.

Karnataka style Chicken Donnai Briyani instructions

  1. First clean and marinate chicken with the ingredients given under marination for 30 mins. This makes chicken really soft and well cooked.
  2. Then prepare the green masala by grinding it in a mixie and making it a paste.
  3. Then in cooker heat 2 spoons of ghee and oil and add spices like cinnamon, bay leaf.
  4. Once it splutters, add onion and fry it in medium flame until the onion turns brown.
  5. Then add three spoons of ginger garlic paste and sauté until raw smell disappear then add garam masala powder and sauté for 30 seconds.
  6. Then add green masala and fry until the raw smell vanishes.
  7. Then add the marinated chicken and mix well. Then add the rice and water with salt and cook as you usually cook rice in pressure cooker. For basmati I add one cup water for one cup rice and cook for 7 minutes.

Serve the Karnataka Style Chicken Saaru Recipe along with Ragi Mudde, Akki Roti or Jolada Rotti to enjoy it for your lunch. There are different number of ways to prepare briyani. Some recipes calls for the use of tomatoes while few doesn't. Just like any another cuisine, each We decided to make a version with mint-onion paste. It's a killer recipe and the briyani has beautiful brownish green colour.

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